The Imaginary Restaurant

Another (mundane) Monday.

Halluuu everyone..hows everyone doing??

The weather in Malaysia, especially in KL is rainy currently, Alhamdulillah. It's been intolerably hot for a few weeks, and I'm glad for this change before going back to a veryyy summer-like-feeling season again. #matsallehsangatke

Anyway, my weekend has been, if I should say my famous tagline in my blogs that encapsulates my life (not to me, maybe to everyone who reads this) - boring. 

I have nothing much to write really. I'm just a tax-paying citizen whos awaiting her paycheck. Literally paycheck - my company still uses the old school version of paying employee's salary. Rather than the bank in system, they give us the cheque at the end of the month, we banked it in ourselves, and wait for another 3 working days (we always get our cheque on Fridays, so imagine the waiting game) for it to be successfully banked in. 

Seriously, this method is a waste of time and energy i.e, going to the bank, while they can choose to bank in at a specific time of the month. Um hello, we have bills to pay too. #seriousrant

Okay enough of negative babling, (more like venting) and lets start with what I achieved these past few days:

  • Finished one hundred names by Cecelia Ahern
  • watched love and other drugs with hubby (a romantic night minus the really "hot" scenes in the movie)
  • Considering whether or not should I create an Instagram account for reviewing book

Idk whether these are considered an achievement or not but whatever lets pretend I succeeded in doing something *drumrolls please*

And in my previous IG stories, I shared about my nephews, who are funny, smart, and future-engineer minded. Seriously kids nowadays are much more tech-savvy than us, and the things they can build on lego are mindblowing. Not just leggo, anythhing they can get their hands on!

I have pictures but too lazy to show em coz then I need to scroll again, and now they are more to playing imaginary cooking.

So this convo went on:

Adam wanted to play masak-masak, so he prepared the stool used to place all the ingredients (which consisted of leggos, his school books, glue, hotwheels, etc). Then his brother, Irsyad complained:

Irsyad: Aunty tengok ni Adam nak main masak-masak, macam perempuan. Main la tembak-tembak kan aunty?

Me: Ohh yeke?? Hmm takpeee laki pun boleh je main masak2

Irsyad joins the "restaurant" that Adam set up.

So I ordered nasi goreng ayam - but took forever to cook. Ummm excuse me boys, You have a famished customer who's going to explode anytime for your poor customer service!

Me: Mana nasi goreng aunty? Lama aunty tunggu...
Adam: Nasi dah habis sorry

So thats it? No solution to overcome this problem??

Adam: Ni kedai McD la aunty

Boyyy why didn;t tell me earlier

Me: OKlah..nak double cheese burger

Adam, Irsyad and Bayhaqi: OK! 

Three of them started their task meticulously. Adam with the cooking, Irsyad with the wrapping and stuff and Bayhaqi, the trsuted waiter. 

Horrible picture but whatever. The biggest imaginary restaurant with owned DIY-ed ingredients

                    Bayhaqi (centre) took his job seriously in preparing coke for the hangry customer...

And you can see, a glue cap is the most reliable cup for a coca-cola!

After what seemed like forever, my food is finally ready. Thanks for the coke in advance boys #perutkembungmiinumair

Our trusted waiter, and the food wrapped in the leftover doorgift packaging

my burger nicely wrapped in Adam's old standard one exercise book

So I opened the wrap, suddenly my hand felt sticky. OMG they wrapped it in glue!

Very creative. Forgot to take pucture of my burger aka hotwheels coz I was too hungry

Many faces of Bayhaqi

Happy Monday everyone!


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