Sometimes I wonder, do animals know they were going to be sacrificed beforehand?
There are always videos circulating on social media about how they cry before they were going to be slaughtered. MasyaAllah..the creatures of Allah. I'm about to tear up now actually. Reminds me of Becca.
Becca is a cow that I've bonded with for a few days before she scheduled to be slaughtered. She was placed in front of the mosque nearby my in law's house. I never touched a cow before, and I never knew they are quite friendly and gentle to humans. I mean there are some aggressive ones also - it's animal nature. They acted they way they do for a reason, so let's not trigger whatever deems unfavorable to them yeah? Respect goes both ways.
But Becca - she's special. Even the previous cows my hubby has worked with wasn't as gentle as her. Given her demeanor, I assumed she was used to human interaction, or it's just her innate behavior.
She loves getting petted - she would actually stick out her head to be petted, and when I was alone with her one night, she lowered her head to the ground - idk why, but I'm pretty sure as an act of affection and being submissive. I would hug her, talked to her (faham ke tak lantak lah) and calmed her down incase she's nervous for the next day. Me, alone with her in the middle of the night, just bonding, feeding her, and talking to her- and it breaks my heart as i left her alone to go home. As I bid farewell to her, I teared up. huhuhuhu.
Idk why I called her Becca. I guess I'm honoring the highlighter (makeup product) from the brand name, Becca. So when I take a look at that cow - I figured that she shines like the highlighter that I used before. She's definitely a Becca. LOL.
Nono, I just realized Becca was the highlighter I used before AFTER I named her Becca. Okay I don't have any plausible reason to justify that but whatever she just looks like a Becca to me okay??
Moving on, Eid-ul-Adha celebration was okay - not like the usual raya celebration, but at least there are some family members who came and celebrated together. I had loads of rendang that day (hello there 3 kilos of fat) and we watched some Malay comedic movie. Can't remember the name, kampung pisang something?? Idk but it was funny. I wasn't focusing on the movie though, rather on my nephew hahaha trying to get his attention the whole time.
My mom and uncle are performing their Hajj in Mecca, so I only went to my in laws's house to celebrate.
Other than that, we went to my mom's to spend the rest of our day with my maid and sister. Nothing special, just chill and relax - we needed that to rest and recuperate our strengths before resuming our work on Wednesday.
Thats it. I hope your Eid-Ul-Adha was as blissful as mine was.
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