Ramadhan Sharings-Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan
Peace is not something easy to attain. It is a process.
Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan emphasized on having inner peace within ourselves. Our emotions can radiate towards someone within the same room, bad or good. Similarly, when someone is full of hatred, it will disseminate to other ppl as well. Sometimes terrible things happened not because a million people did something wrong, but rather from one person who is unstable emotionally within themselves. Example, war. It's the leaders who have authority to initiate/stop the war. The fate of millions of people falls into the hands of one person who their peace is disturbed. The disturbance of a person has immediate consequences in our daily lives.
With that, this is where our Iman comes in, when our relationship with Allah is abundant, we will incorporate peaceful attributes no matter what hardship we are put with.
Same goes to the situation of loneliness. When we say we are lonely, depressed, thats where we need to mend our relationship with Allah.
Look at Prophet Ibrahim A.S. The definition of loneliness really depicts him tht time. His father literally resents him, people are ready to drive him out, and burn him alive. He has nobody, except Allah. Although on the outside hes facing crazy things, but it does not determine how hes feeling on the inside. Despite the crazy circumstances, he still managed to be peaceful on the inside because he knows Allah won't leave him, Allah will care for him.
As humans, its normal to feel all kinds of emotions, anger and hatred, not gonna lie even I too have issues with people that I feel like giving them a punch in the face. Mental health issues are on the rise, suicide, depression, loneliness, and anxiety is like a growing mushroom. As humans, we can't run away from this.
But what Imaan does is that it minimizes the effect on the outside, but maximizes our peace on the inside. Its like vaccine, even though you can't completely cure the disease, but it prevents u from serious infection/death.
With our increasing Imaan to Allah, we possess absolute hope to our creator. Even though Prophet Ibrahim is lonely, but in the height of that loneliness, he has Allah's company. Same goes to us. We need to have ultimate confidence and believe that Allah is with us. It's easier said than done tbh, especially we are going through hell-like situations. Thats why it's always important to incorporate reading the Quran, and some other activities that brings us closer to Allah, and always think of Allah in every small little things we do.
Allah is great because no matter how we are mad, weak, cry, exposing all kinds of our repulsive feelings to Allah, Allah won't judge us. Allah won't see us any less. That's the beauty of Islam. We can cry, depend on Allah whenever and wherever we want and still not be abandoned.
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