It's Hard

 Halluuu everyone..hows it goin??

Not gonna lie, I've been pretty exhausted this Ramadhan, with work, iftar at parents house, working out after buka, tarawih and sleep. Not much me time, and by "me time" is scrolling through social media. but I'm still grateful because my time is not entirely wasted. 

So I was abit overambitious that i decided to read three books at once..One about Elon Musk, The Plague, and now A Juz A Day. Since it's Ramadhan, and I don't want my brain to retain too much information, I'll just stick to A Juz A Day since the book succintly summarize the meaning behind every Juz in the Quran, so it makes us easier to comprehend especially when you're new to reading Quran translation. 

Also just want to share something that I gained from Mufti Menk's Ramadhan boosts talks. He talked about quality over quantity. I know we hear that line alot in our lives, especially when it comes to studies, work. But I can't help but wonder, do we apply that when it comes to our religion?

I salute to all the people who can khatam like more than one time of Quran in Ramadhan, done alot of sunnah prayers. I'm not here to judge or anything, but it's a reminder for me too-that we should be sincere and ascertain the meaning behind every ibadah we do. 

I'm enjoying my current read and enjoying the message imparted to us, especially how the story of prophets and sahabahs impact the present situation now. I love how Islam elevates women, especially in Juz 3 where Allah speaks about mother of Maryam (a.s.) and refers to her story of asking for Allah for a child in a miraculous way. However, when she discovered that the baby was a female, she wasn't feeling very happy. Then Allah says: Don't you understand that a man could never reach the level of a female?

To the people who said Islam oppresses women especially when women cover up her aurah, the mahram and non-mahram rules, they obviously just believe the media without knowing anything about Islam and couldn't care less to know. From that ayah itself, we can clearly see how Allah puts women in a highest value. Not only that, the Quran also talks about fincancial discussions, marriage, divorce, science, etc. But I only read the general meaning, to go deeper I guess I need to read more, and go to classes, which one day I will InsyaAllah.

Honestly finding time to read is so intricate nowadays as I get older, and distractions are EVERYWHERE. Read. After two pages. Youtube. Repeat. Ohhh I need to pee, then at the climax of the story, OMG khairul aming uploaded a new recipe, *puts book down and spent an hour looking at other recipes.*

When I watched Vivy Yusof doing like 5 book reviews in a month, with notes and all, I'm like daamnnn I haven't got to that level yet. Like dude you are handling a multimilionnaire company, have four kids, go on trips yet you have time to finish multiple books and actually understand it :'). 

I wanted to review books but is just hard. But I should give it a try...soooon..when I have more me time *procastinating*

Have a blessed remaining of Ramadhan everyone, May Allah shower us with His blessings, InsyaAllah


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