Birthday positivities
So the virus decided to wish me a Happy Birthday by making me positive on the first day of my birthday. Both me and my husband caught Covid-19 on the same day, and thank goodness he made the surprise the day before and I get to go dinner with my family the night before as well.
It is unknown how we caught the virus but everyone is a close contact these days. And since now theres no need to quarantine if you're a close contact so for you to become positive is highly likely and also to spread it to others. I don't really have any other symptoms accept for fever, and there are times I'm just burning up.
Keeping it here for memory
okay, can't really see double line here, it's very faint and almost invisible to the camera.
also, the surprise:
Thank you hubby for arranging this surprise, its exactly how I wanted it to be. Like walking in the moonlight, lit by the stars surrounding it. This times its the birthday candles that shines like those pretty stars, and my love is beyond that. cheh..
Does this look like an arrow?? hahahha
Apart from that, my quarantine was..great. I slept alot, watched netflix, read a book, watching youtube, ordered grabfood and repeat. But work still goes on..bummer. I had nothing much going on except for fever, and rest. I didn't cook, coz didn't managed to buy groceries. Tengok2 positif dah. But we had some hotdogs and burgers stored in the freezer, so once in a while my hubby would cook that. Hes such an angel. Clean and cook for me while I had fever. Thank u sayang. Love uuuu
Ok thats just my lazy update.
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