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The post-thirties mirth

  Hellooo to my invisible audience~ Anyone reading this hoolaa at me! Anyone? No? Remind me again why I'm blogging?? It's been awhile since I wrote here - so while my husband is busy with his mobile game (sometimes I think he should just marry who created MLBB instead of me); I figured why not I replenish my writing skills and at the same time beating this indomitable insomnia? I'm just gonna whine and snivel my usual sentiment that I reiterate from my each and every post... Nothings new. Surprising? No. Lazy? 100% yes. Not that my life is toooo mundane - aside from working 8.30-5.30, constant walking and standing in the train that deteriorates my poor knees - I DO have some exciting things happened. Like my company trip to Taaras. Man...Taras, Terengganu is a heaven on Earth. I did contemplate about blogging about that - but alas, I lost to the psychological battle of being in thirties. I have stopped doing anything exciting. I have stopped feeling enticed about things I u

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