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New updateee

 Wazzzupp bloggerssss Technically this isn't my first 2024 post - I posted a short story a while ago whilst I was stressing out and needed a catharsis to release my inner diabolical thoughts.  I know the girl and the ghost sounded like a botched drafted short story - but really the message about it was to not dwell in the past. Which I know, a lot of us did and affected our goals and dreams by delaying them - we would spend our free time reliving things that we wanted to throw in a trash.  I know our computer has a delete button and a trash icon for us to remove the file permanently. But our brains needs more effort than that.  Sometimes I find writing soothes my soul, or allow me to free my inner demons, cause heck we could learn a lot from ourselves by a simple self-reflection. Anyway, life has been good, job has been okay - much better than that racist toxic place I was in last year. Made some new friends, and hello to being in my 30's with constant knee pain! Oh just a lil

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