Moving out


Some people are used to moving out. Some moved other states, or simply other districts. Some are also used to "living off their suitcase" - whatever you call that - and still don't feel peculiar. 

And some - like me - are not accustomed on this idea since I have lived in my parents house my whole 27 years till I get married - and after marriage is where I begun my journey of someone (read: finally) moved out of their old man's house. So as I'm writing this, I'm on the verge of crying. With a heavy heart, but an open mind - I am ready to move back to my parent's house.

I am writing this in conjunction of our Pre-Anniversary - and moving into my mother's house this weekend will be a pivotal point in our marriage. It's the first time we moved out as a married couple to our parent's house so yes - it is a pretty big step for us since we're so used to privacy. 

Well let me recount to you on why I'm feeling dismayed by this idea and why is it so heavy for me to leave my rented condo, only 450 sqft studio unit, really tiny house that only has one bedroom, bathroom and dining room. 

Few months before we got married, my then boyfriend now husband and I were searching for houses to start our new life. You name it - condo, apartment, landed house, and most importantly - inexpensive because we can't afford living in an opulent house. Most newbie married couple are bound to rent a house temporarily anyway before they buy a new house. Living cost is so high nowadays, and even renting is so expensive.

So we finally landed on a condo property in Ampang - which is perfect. It's in the middle of KL, middle of everything. Going to work was a breeze - I can wake up a lil' later and still reach on time, going to our parent's house isn't too far, and well..the word "Ampang" is cool itself. Bukan budak subang jaya, tapi ampang jaya. #hipster

The search for a house wasn't an easy journey - we bickered, have slight disagreements, constantly looking at the app for new cheap-but-nice house to pop up - some agent replied, some didn't. No swimming pool - strike that out. No gym - strike that out. Although our excursion to our outdoor facility is quite disappointing in terms of how many times we actually went there *guilty laugh*.

But still, after successfully paid for the deposit and rental and everything, we finally moved in. I did my nikah on the evening, so that night itself we moved in. It was a fully furnished lot, has aircond and TV, I wouldnt say if the supplies was inadequate. Oh what I was most excited about? HOT SHOWERS. I don't have those in my parent's house. And the thought of moving back there without hot shower is just freakkin sadddd :'(.

The night we moved in was a funny story - something that won't leave my mind forever.

So as a married couple, there were some awkward situations where you'll be like "ok, what's next?" especially when you're alone in a house. So my husband wanted to show off his machoness and cooked me scramble eggs as a midnight snack (his scramble eggs are good). 

The stove was an induction cooking stove, which was our first time using it. And to cut to the chase, after my husband heated up the pan with butter - I think he overheated the stove and it melted the butter too hard - and smoke started to fill around the room. My eyes sting with all the smoky elements blocking my view, and I was afraid that the fire alarm will activate and cause unecessary chaos. Then it won't leave a good impression on my landlord and we will be kicked out on our first day -.-. 

And so after that the tiny little studio unit became our sacred place where we shared our best and painful memories. The moments that made us grow as a couple - we laughed, cry, get angry at each other in this very tiny place we called home. In between those moments, we always discussed what went wrong and how we can improve - and those little things made me love my husband more and more each day. He never shouts, get angry or harsh with me even if I was on the verge of throwing things around (THANKS PMS), he puts me to sleep every night before he goes back to bed (because I have insomnia so I need multiple remedies to go to sleep) and after our jamaah prayers every night, he would hold my hand, look me in the eye and will tell me how much he loved me and what is our next step if any of us are not satify with each other. I mean..who doesnt melt at that right?

Sure, sometimes we let the clothes sprawled across the bed, some things lying here and there. But our chemistry and bond are much bigger than our mess *another guilty laugh* - if he's not playing games lah. 

Oh and we have a pet!! A Tortoise!!!

And her name is...Tortinna! Such a creative name right?? 

We had a male baby tortoise named Tortilla (thanks to someone's love of the mexican wrap food) but he died after a few weeks. 

Tortinna is alive Alhamdulillah, but it would be difficifult for her to adjust to a new house. Even though she's only in a turtlerium, but animals can sense if they're in a different place and humans might not notice that they need some time to adapt too. I hope my cats wont eat her..need to put her somewhere where my niece can't reach also. We don't want a tortoise in a toddler's system -.-.

I remembered after I first moved in there, I missed my old room at my parent's house. I do get homesick but it wasn't as bad as when I was studying in Perak (a whole 'nother story) - since I have my husband by my side, nothing else matters. Ironically now, when I'm about to move in to my old room soon, the homesick feeling kicked in - and I think I will cry during my last stay at our current house. Our room - in our tiny house - are a witness of our love and joyful moments - to the moments where we faced our predicaments. The place we gathered our strength to stand back up again when life hit us hard. The place where I read all of my favourite books with my husband playing his video games by my side (or watching Chinese drama). It's just a room, but I will miss it definitely.

And our dining room - played a big role as well. We eat in front of the TV, watched some weird horror Netflix shows. My old room got no TV huhu and the TV in the main area at my house is taken over by my niece - and there's no other shows other than a talking wet sponge and his starfish friend #spongebob. 

Apart from the lousy elevators - they have 4 but only 2 of it working, sometimes 3 - I'll definitely miss it. There are several occasions the abysmal quality of the elevators caused me to rage - end up I have to use the stairs from level 22 all the way down to level 5 because I'm so late for work. 

I will also miss the swimming pool - we used to swim every weekend after we got married and then after time flew we just got lazy and  spent our weekends at malls instead. #shoppingisexercisetoookay. 

Despite the gloomy and dismal feelings of moving out - I'm excited to start a new journey at the place where I grew up. Can save alot of money too - my shoppe cart needed some clearance. My cat's foods are expensive too. #rude. Okay fine, sudden epiphany that I might be spending more after living in my mom's house, so I need to monitor my expenditure.

And so..our adventure begins!! #THS


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