Movie Review-The Baby Sitter's Club
So I was watching this with my sister this morning, but the movie was already halfway through, but as soon as I saw Marla Sokoloff, i was hooked. As usual, she played the culprit in any movie.
The film debuted in 1995, and it was about young girls opened up a day camp for children, which im not sure for what reason because i didn't watch from the beginning, but I'm guessing like any other teenagers especially in the 90's, needed money. So i guess they babysit their clients, create a camp for a huge amount of kids to take care of. I still wonder how do they managed, I mean kids throw tantrum all the time, need to go to the bathroom, and caused trouble with next door neighbour. So for 13 year old's to take care of maybe 2o kids, it wasn't an easy task.
I have a thing for 80's and 90's movies, just because I was born in 1994, and I could relate to the days before iPhone, Ipad, Youtube, Mobile Legend was created. It was a marvellous childhood, where friendship, secrets were SUCH A BIG DEAL. When someone tells me a secret back then, I swore my life to not disclose it FOREVER, or your friendship will end (but trust me the distrust will only last a while). But i guess in this new era, secrets are so easily exposed, everyone knew your embarrassing moments, and what happened to the close bonds we used to have with our girlfriends? The sleepovers, the candyland, and phone calls was such a big deal back then and we talked for hours. Now everyone gets the benefit of technology, but I'm lucky I get to witness handwritten letters and postcards.
Okay so back to the movie, so this girl named Kristy along with her other girlfriends, opened up a day camp for their clients (AKA small humans) with her being president of the club. So they built that camp from scratch, which I adore seeing how hardworking are these girls, and so very pretty and mature at age 13. Hey look, even our parents married young and still managed the household at a young age, so I guess in terms of maturity, they are ahead of us.
So as a president of the club, Kristy is very wise, hand skilled at handling this business, and alongside she also has to tutor her friend named Claudia, not sure what subject, to pass a test. Things went pretty well until she was reunited with her estranged father who she hadn't met for years. Her father did write to her, saying he promised to meet her, but he didn't, so their relationship was rocky and for her father to suddenly appear after so many years, of course like any other little girls, was in shock but at the same time she wants to get to know her father back. The things is, her mother had married some other man already, and she promised her father to keep his presence a secret from everyone including her mother.
As time passes, she found herself really happy to get her father back. They played baseball together, watched games, and this impacted Kristy's performance to the baby-sitters club she founded. She was absent in a lot of events, giving her friends excuses. This also hurts Claudia's feelings because Kristy a number of times couldn't tutor her. She even made a little boy hurt, whom she always plays with, promised him she would come but didn't show up. I felt bad for the kid because all kids just want attention, and they appreciate your presence more than anything else. She also had to keep secrets from her mom, whom she's close with, and this kills her everyday because she had to lie, and neglect those who her close to her just to meet her dad secretly.
However, the only person who knew about this is one of her best friend, Mary Anne who was coincidentally there when Kristy's dad "reappeared". Therefore, Mary Anne swore to Kristy to not tell anyone, but their other friends noticed Kristy's peculiar behavior. They kept bugging Mary Anne to spill them the truth. Until one day, it was Kristy's birthday, and her friends had planned a surprise party for her for quite some time. But given the situation, with Kristy's frequent absence, her constant lies, they halfheartedly proceed the celebration but still quote "Kristy has been absent last summer". But on the same day, Kristy's father promised to meet her mother, and promised to unhide himself from everyone else, to end Kristy's pain of hiding and lying again and again. He failed to fulfil his promise, and broken hearted Kristy went to the funfair, hoping to find her father there.
Moral of the story, keeping secrets, it's fine, but at the expense of someone's safety might be threatened, then the importance and relevance of the secret doesn't matter anymore. For instance, they waited for Kristy to attend her own birthday celebration but Kristy didn't show up. So they were worried for her safety, so they persuaded Mary Anne to tell the truth. They managed to find Kristy, soaked in rain and nowhere to go, and the group hugged.
This movie is a must for young girls in my opinion. Not only it inspires them to give out to the community, but it enacts the value of FRIENDSHIP. I mean girls, what i see nowadays are women hating on each other, get jealous of their own best friends, and when problems arised, they cant put aside their ego to fix the relationship.
To all women, if you have a best friends, or a large group of friends who encouraged you to be better, help you support your dreams, basically your soulmates for life, please keep them and do not ever, ever let a fight get in between your relationship.
I guess that's it, i guess it's different from your typical movie but its worth the watch and worth the review. I don't usually rate movies, so when i do write a review i'd say that movie is pretty amazing. There's alot to the movie i didn't write about, but if you wanna know more, do watch the movie.
Until then!XXOXO

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