Raya kan sebulan - Janda Baik Open House


Well Raya isn't just one day isn't it?

So apa lagi...lets celebrate until end of syawal!!!

That weekend - on 21-22 May was a day fulllll of open houses. It's like an open house frenzy everywhere!

It's so refreshing to witness this tradition again after two years of talking to a wall. So this year I bought a few baju raya, incase I have other open houses. Girls gotta prepare their staff ya know #ifyouknowthenyouknow.

So last week, my husband was invited to his company's open house in Janda Baik, and they allowed their staffs to bring along their spouse. Being married is fun, you definitely get to enjoy your spouse's company benefits. So to more trips yeahhh #laughinginsilence

Anyways I've never been to Janda Baik, so why not? I heard they had a breathtaking forest view and alot of people chose Janda Baik as their wedding location. 

So the trip was smooth at first, then when you got there, the road's a lil tricky, too small a space and contributed to congestion. It was a rural area, so the road was quite bumpy, and sometimes only a car can fit in one lane. Theres definitely alot of waiting, and me being the wife complaining because it was hot and my hubby wasn't listening coz hes eyes is like a hawk when hes driving. I can't blame him though, but we got through and finally reached the place. 

Apparently the boss's house was on the right side on the hill, I didn't managed to take a look but they said it was massive. But it's allright, its like a wedding style, with canopies and tents and buffets at the corner. The crowd was huge, so to get there we need to ride a shuttle. But I know some people gave up waiting especially under the scorching hot sun and decided to walk. 

Anyways, it was a blast, I get to meet new people, my husband's colleagues and their wives, and we took numerous amount of pictures while we're there. So here you go. enjoy the momentos we managed to capture!

Hiking in the nature with our baju kurungs

Some people got cropped. Haha

Okay done uncrop. Haha

Couples pic only

"Cepat cepat ade kete nak datang!"

Then in the evening, we went to another open house hosted by my sister-in-law. So Sasha being Sasha - galloping more nasi briyani and rendang. Then they packed food for us to bring back. Another round of nasi briyani at home. I think my tummy bloated a few inches and too much carbonated drinks consumed alleviates my gerd. Haha.

So to encapsulate that day - we definitely were exhausted from all the driving, meeting people and definitely eating, but overall we had so much fun and its so great to finally "detox" from 2 years of "staying at home" to finally get to gather again with friends and families, having conversations and laugh alongside kambing golek that I never touched. #notabigfanofkambing

I hope your Raya is as fulfilling and merry as mine, may Allah bless us and may any virus wiped out from this world so we can gather like this. Ameen.

Selamat Hari Raya!!!



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