whats goin onn


Wow, has it been decades since I last posted? Has the pandemic ended? Did they finally found a cure for cancer?

Jokes aside, I've been super unproductive especially while working from home. Too many distractions, and I procastinated A LOT. But now that I'm back to office, I do need to make an impression that I'm occupied with something (but I do have few assignments lol) , hence the blog update. I'm pretty grateful to get back to the office but I do miss my daily routines at home ie: workout, lying down, eat, sleep, netflixing. But I guess now since Malaysia is heading towards endemic phase, we will need to adapt with the virus. Fear is still there, but they have rules those who get vaccinated only are allowed to perform certain actitivies.

Just for sharing, if you're still working from home, please don't use your bed as your working space. I know it is hard to get out of your bed when youre so cozy from the last night's slumber. So you think you can sleep in after doing your work, and get up when your boss called. NO. Please dont.

I was listening to a podcast by Jay Shetty, he discussed with someone (cant's remmebr his name) talking about how lights affected our sleep. Your bed is your very own personal, your second love after your family, your boyfriend in your boyfriend kinda sanctuary. It should only be a space for sleep, to have sex and just chilling. To help with your productiveness in your sleep, lay a fiction book on your bedside table. 

Oh and besides that, i just got married. I cant believe it either, and I'm loving my marriage life so far Alhamdulillah. Planning on a honeymoon trip soon, I'm missing the beach. Missing the outdoors and hotel buffet. 


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