GG-Good Game or Gone Game??


I have never complained and being in contempt about a lot of things in my life.

There are two things right now that bothers me. First is the never ending water disruption in Selangor, and of course the spike in Covid-19 pandemic. These past few weeks didn't get any better, in fact I don't see any signs of recovery soon. With all the numbers rising and more and more people employees, and flat residents especially are more vulnerable to infection. 

There are two things running in those lawmakers AKA those who rules the government now. Number 1: Enforcing lockdown but having to impact the economic severely given that now the Health Minister himself are asking for a fund. Looks like government no enough funds anymore?

Number 2: To continue with CMCO but there is no guarantee soon that the numbers will go down. Not all premises allow to work from home and there will be times where they need to meet client, sign an agreement, etc. 

This induce panic towards me and for everyone. The endless furious towards the government for not being proactive and responsible towards the water supply issue (that affects hugs areas and shut down for a few days) and affecting the Covid-19 patients, those who are old and live alone, and worst, those who require life support, dialysis. Water is a basic necessity, and I realize why this is happening to us is because we always take things for granted. No matter how pissed I am for this past few days, I will always do my best to read some prayers, and started to reminisce the silver lining in this incident. 

Given the place I lived in, I had food constantly on my table, a roof on top of my house that isn't leaking, and a job. Imagine those who lose their jobs,from being an M40 to B40, or those who are already B40 ended up having to scrape rubbish for a living now. I can't imagine being in their situation. For example there's a news coverage that day regarding a celebrity had to steal because he has lost his source of income. He was arrested by the police and the pictures overflowing the media that the police handcuffed him to the ground.

Stealing is of course morally, legally and religiously wrong, but have we asked ourselves, if we are indeed in that situation, would we have acted any better? Do we have a temporary relief for this sort of stuff? We often condemn the public figures and inciting hate towards them just because we forget that they are humans who needs food to pump their energy, money to live and feelings to look after. And more often that not, we forget that they have family members who watch the news, scrolling over social media tabloids with unforgivable headlines. I blame the journalists for that. Misleading headlines, and degrading contents. Why are they being paid for that? 

On the side note, I'm not encouraging anyone to steal or supporting the idea of it. I'm just saying that there is no need to cyberbully a person to the extent we make them viral. Chances are you don't know what that person is facing,

We are all complaining how we can't go out, how we can't cuti-cuti Malaysia  again. Imagine those in Sabah. The city being immersed in this pandemic, with unprecedented actions taking over. Imagine the anxiety and depression moments Sabahans have to face now #PrayForSabah

Whats even more irony is that those who would go to the ground and provide necessities and donation aren't politicians. Politicians are good at heckling and barking here and there and making press statements, but often as quality as it used to be and sometimes absolutely unnecessary. Wasted few times panicking while awaiting the announcement and cringed with their entourage on the TV. 

At the end of the day, those who are facing consequences is those rakyat, us normal citizens, who just want a normal peaceful life and a stable government. Non corrupted, non biased, and who are sure of what they want..not making statements like oh the government is still thinking to.." sampai ke sudah pun think jelah kan? My point is..maybe if you weren't too selfish from the start, this unprecedented movements can be credited a little. 

PS: This blog was written a month ago. But I was contemplating to post this or not .


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